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Gather His Light

We invite you to fill your spiritual lamp through workshops, spending time with friends throughout the Stake, learning new skills and creating crafts together, and being inspired and uplifted through word and song. 

We look forward to having you with us!


ALL YOUNG WOMEN, MOTHERS & LEADERS please register by APRIL 27th.  This will help our presenters plan their materials, craft supplies can be prepared, and it will help us plan the luncheon and refreshments.  






We are excited to offer the following workshops.  You're welcome to take classes together or divide and conquer to take them all and share notes later at home!  Prayerfully consider what classes will help and inspire you on your covenant path.  You'll get to choose FOUR workshops to attend and will select your choices when you register.  

In The Image of God

taught by Debbie White

As we each face worldly pressures and expectations, we can find ourselves getting swept up in the "image of the world."  This class will help us navigate these challenges as we focus more fully on being "In the Image of God" and remembering that we are  daughters of a loving Heavenly Father.

The Power of Self-Discipline

taught by Lorene Millard

Living intentionally and developing spiritual habits helps us walk the covenant path with our Savior, Jesus Christ.  This class will discuss the power of self-discipline and how it's the game changer to successfully living an abundant life of joyful covenant keeping! 

Forever Faithful

taught by Ashley Perkins

We are all on a personal journey, navigating twists and turns, and not everyone's journey looks the same.  This class will explore what it takes to be "forever faithful" and that where we are today is OKAY.  One day at a time, learning as you go, and trying a little better each day is what it takes to make it to our forever heavenly HOME.   

Finding Strength through the Women in the Scriptures

taught by Kaylene Hendricksen

Many examples can be found in the scriptures of faithful, strong,  covenant-keeping women.  This class will focus on their exemplary lives and how we can gain strength through their examples and pattern our lives after them to live a joyful, righteous life in our modern-day.  

Friendship, Love & Kindness

taught by Hollie Putnam

We all know and love Hollie Putnam whose larger than life personality is pure sunshine!  She's going to share "friendshipping" secrets and social skills to help us learn how to follow Christ's example to be a great friend and live a life filled with Christlike love & kindness to those around us.

Meaningful Ministering

taught by JoEll Zitterkob

With an invitation to minister with the Relief Society sisters, what does this look like and mean for you as a young woman?  This class will help you learn how to offer meaningful ministering to the sisters in your ward.  You are extraordinary, have countless talents and can be a force for good as you take part in ministering & serving!

Building Family Relationships

taught by Kimberly Crowther

Family is central to our Heavenly Father's plan and there is nothing greater than the relationships we have with those around us!  Using the church's Emotional Resilience course materials, this class will talk about how to use healthy thinking patterns to help us build and cherish our relationships with our family and friends.  


We love creating and crafting together!  We are offering two different macrame crafts and there will be various color options to choose from.  Please select the craft you would like to create when you register.  

*Please bring a pair of scissors - all other supplies will be provided.*

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Keeper of His Light

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Salt Lake Temple

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